Posts Tagged ‘ifbb’

Good day to you!

I am going to write tonight in response to a suggested topic from one of my awesome readers, the question was about traveling and not missing out on too much training.  This is a great topic and I think that I can elaborate, shed some light on and offer up suggestions to most circumstances that can be an issue while traveling, I am going to free hand/think this as I go and keep it brief so hopefully it comes out in a good order and makes sense. Keep in mind this is based towards work and family travel that is not like a week in the tropics where you have no intention of staying on track.

I will start with what I feel is the most important aspect of traveling and maintaining your fitness and that’s what you put in your mouth, In my opinion if you are going to have to choose between training and eating like crap or not being able to train, but be able to make solid choices at the table then that is the route you should go.  So eating on the road can be tricky but that is when you just need to plan ahead (use the internet to find menu’s and look at nutrition facts)  or have a good sense of what methods most restaurants use to make their food taste good…as they should, they are selling a product and need to appeal to the masses,  but in today’s day and age there isn’t a single quality establishment that won’t go out of their way to make you as close to what you need as you can get.  The responsibility falls on you to ask them for what you want even if you don’t see it on the menu, you know the answer is always no until the question is asked!  Ask for grilled meats, ask for steamed not sautéed vegetables, ask for real toppings like real butter on the side along with any dressings or other condiments. You can duplicate how you eat at home while on the road, you just have to think about it and ask for it.  The last step is to back your supplement powders in individually marked bags so they are labeled and portioned, with all these options you should be able to stay pretty well on track.

So on to training, There really is NO EXCUSE for not training on the road in any circumstance other than a death or serious health issue of a family member when everyone needs to come together and be supportive and unselfish.  Aside from that you have so many options when you travel, yes they may not be what is in your routine, but its activity and often a nice change from the constant. First option is always the “fitness center” at any given lodging setup, sometimes these can be laid out like a miniature gym and others can include a treadmill and universal machine but almost all have something these days.  You might have to think outside of your normal and try to include more bodyweight movements for both resistance and cardio but it can be done if you want it bad enough.  Second option is to use the hotel room and do chest presses against the wall, bench dips off a chair, towel resistance movements done unilaterally, plank and core work on the floor and then take it outside for a short cardio session where you sprint a block, rest a block and repeat 10 times.  Or a better option is if you are in a big city with high rise hotels…..RUN THE STAIRS, UP AND DOWN 2+ times depending on the number of flights – if you go hard enough that will be all the workout you need for the day.

For enough of you who read my posts on a regular basis know I don’t have a whole lot of sympathy for excuses, and traveling is no exception, if you want to Get Shit Done and you want to be a healthier more fit version of you tomorrow, then you will do what it takes and for anyone who disagrees with your requirements isn’t a real supporter of you, so stand your ground and focus on the goal, Every Damn Day!

I will test this theory once again next weekend when I travel to Dallas, Texas for the Europa Games to see a bunch of industry friends and hang out with the brand I am currently reviewing Ronnie Coleman Signature Series – I expect to have a great weekend, and come back with more knowledge and staying hungry for more.



**always consult with your physician before starting or changing a current workout routine , nutrition program or supplement.  The advice and programs that are talked about on this site are not recommended for use by any individuals with any medical condition(s) that might be compromised by intense exercise or resistance training.  If you feel any abnormal pain, nausea or dizziness please discontinue training and consult your health care professional immediately **